BWI noise (

BWI landing and takoff paths

see example BWI flight paths below
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BWI departure and landing paths

The images below show example BWI landing and departure flight paths that may go near your home. (obtained from MAA noise office).

The Average daily departures number can be misleading because we think they may be averaging over 365 days, instead of just the days that that path is actually used for departures or landings. There are just under 1000 flights from BWI per day and if you are even near the main east or west takoff and landing paths, you might see and hear a significant portion of that half of the traffic every day (obtained from MAA noise office)

Figure 1 - Departures (west wind)

More soon
Figure 2 - arrivals

Figure 3 - east flow departures (during east wind conditions, occurs an average 30% of the time but more often in warm weather)